Source code for gecos.colors
# This source code is part of the Gecos package and is distributed
# under the 3-Clause BSD License. Please see 'LICENSE.rst' for further
# information.
__author__ = "Patrick Kunzmann"
__all__ = ["rgb_to_lab", "lab_to_rgb"]
import warnings
import numpy as np
from skimage.color import rgb2lab, lab2rgb
[docs]def rgb_to_lab(rgb):
Convert one or multiple *RGB* color(s) to *Lab* color(s).
rgb : array-like, shape=(..., 3)
The color to be converted.
The only restriction on the array shape is that the length of
the last dimension must be 3.
*RGB* values are in range (0,1).
lab : ndarray
The converted color.
return _convert_color(rgb, rgb2lab)
[docs]def lab_to_rgb(lab):
Convert one or multiple *Lab* color(s) to *RGB* color(s).
lab : array-like, shape=(..., 3)
The color to be converted.
The only restriction on the array shape is that the length of
the last dimension must be 3.
rgb : ndarray
The converted color. *RGB* values are in range (0,1).
return _convert_color(lab, lab2rgb)
def _convert_color(color, convert_func):
if not isinstance(color, np.ndarray):
color = np.array(color, dtype=float)
color = color.astype(float, copy=False)
original_shape = color.shape
# Temporarily reshape into a scikit-image-accepted shape
color = color.reshape([1,-1,3])
# Convert color(s) using scikit-image
# Ignore warnings about colors being not convertible
# - they will be set later to NaN anyway
with warnings.catch_warnings():
conv_color = convert_func(color)
# Color components that cannot be properly converted are clamped
# to (0/1) -> Use this to detect invalid values
(conv_color[0] == 0).any(axis=-1) | (conv_color[0] == 1).any(axis=-1),
] = np.nan
conv_color = conv_color.reshape(original_shape)
return conv_color